Huawei P8 Lite Repairtech

Huawei P8 Lite

Huawei P8 Lite broken?
huawei p8 lite In Phone Service Center we repair it!

If you have broken your Huawei P8 Lite, you just have to visit the Authorized service center in Marathahalli .We are leaders in express repair of mobiles and tablets in india and also Authorized service centers .This implies that:
Our technicians are trained to solve any problem that your mobile has in the shortest possible time.
We always use pieces of the highest quality. (original replacement parts).
We use the most innovative tools on the market to change the glass and screen of your Huawei P8 Lite.
Visit without commitment the nearest store to have the fastest repair and best quality of the market (in less than 40 minutes you'll have your phone like new). If you have doubts, simply look at this link what other customers think of us. We will not disappoint you!

How much does the Huawei P8 Lite repair cost?

In Authorized  Service Center we give personalized quotes without commitment. Depending on how the breakage of your Huawei P8 Lite is the price will vary. Keep in mind that we will only charge you for the pieces that we change, and we will always repair with the highest quality that characterizes us. In store our technicians will give you a personalized quote without obligation .

In addition to repairing broken screens of Huawei P8 Lite we can also immediately repair the following components:
Lower and upper speaker (earphone)
In Repairtech we help you to detect which is the repair that your Huawei needs. If the  lower speaker of your Huawei P8 lite does not work , it is very likely that your problem is among the following descriptions:
Causes:  The lower speaker is the piece that plays the sound of Huawei p8 . The impact of an Huawei p8 Plus falling can cause it to break down, but being an open slot is also exposed to being clogged by dirt or sand, or that may have entered water.
Effects:  All these situations can lead to: through the loudspeaker  neither the music nor the ringing tones can be heard, or notifications. When the Huawei p8 sounds it sounds choppy or distorted. I have the volume to the maximum and the sounds are heard very low in Huawei p8.

Solution:  Change the lower speaker of the Huawei p8

If you have questions about the repair you need, you can contact us through our website:  Contact


Your phone device use Lithium-ion Batteries that are fairly lesser in weight, have high density power storage, can charge at faster speeds, has good elasticity apart from being safe to use.
To get the best and optimized performance from your devices, we at RepairTech being the genuine, authorised and certified service centre for huawei models recommend and advice you to know about the Battery’s Life and Battery’s Lifespan. By battery life we mean the actual time your device runs before it needs to be charged and by battery life span we mean the total passage of time till the complete battery unit itself needs to be changed.
For the best output from your device, we recommend you to use your device with optimized settings, have the latest version of software and OS, strategically recharge the device for your usage and do not use in unfavorable climatic conditions.
We at TechTronix use authentic, genuine and high quality parts meeting the OEM standards for repairs and all our works on your device which come with a 90 days warranty after the service, which gives you a good amount of time to assess our work and leave a positive response and review on our web site.

You will be freely able to claim warranty from us within afore said period in case of dissatisfactions.
Bluetooth is a technological specification for wireless networks that allows the transmission of voice and data between different devices through a secure radio frequency ( 2.4 GHz ). This technology , therefore, allows communications without cables or connectors and the possibility of creating domestic wireless networks to synchronize and share the information that is stored in various equipment.
Volume button
Home button
Front and back camera
Back case
Lightning Connector
Screen (Crystal / LCD)
Sim Stuck
And if you have a problem with Software, we also fix it!
